Some of the influential ways to publicize the problem of domestic violence or similar social problems are through publications and paper presentations at conferences.
Select Conference Activities on Domestic Violence Against African Women
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. 'The Salience of Patriarchy in Immigrant Women’s Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence in the United States,' presented at the British Society of Criminology conference, Sheffield, UK, July 2017.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. 'Patriarchy and Violence against Women,' presented at the 62nd Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, New York, March 2018.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. 'Immigrant African Women, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Patriarchy,' presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences conference, Baltimore, MD, March 2019.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. 'Is Physical Violence Not the Only Form of Intimate Partner Violence? A Review of How IPV is Interpreted among African Women,' presented at the American Society of Criminology conference, San Francisco, November 2019.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. 'Violence Against Women of African Descent: Perspectives from Africa,' presented at the American Society of Criminology conference, Atlanta, November 2022.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. 'International Perspectives on Survivor Constraints and Decision-Making,' chaired this session at the American Society of Criminology conference, Atlanta, November 2022.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. 'Criminal and Civil Legal Responses to Domestic Violence,' chaired this session at the American Society of Criminology conference, Philadelphia November 2023.
At every opportunity, speak out against domestic violence
Select Publications
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (ed.) (2019). Violence against women of African descent: Global perspectives. Lanham, MD: Lexington/Rowman & Littlefield.​
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (ed.) (2015), Pan-African issues in drugs and drug control: An international perspective. Surrey, UK: Ashgate.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (ed.) (2012). Race, ethnicity, crime and criminal justice in the Americas. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (ed.) (2010). Race, crime and criminal justice: International perspectives. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2006). Drugs, victims and race: The politics of drug control. Winchester: Waterside Press.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. and Agozino, B. (eds.) (2004). Pan-African issues in crime and justice. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (1999). Race and drug trials: The social construction of guilt and innocence. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2024). In the public sphere: Intimate partner violence against African American single mothers in paternity disputes. International Review of Victimology, 30(1), pp.130-150.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2013). Intimate partner violence among immigrant Nigerian women in the United States: an analysis of internet commentaries on the murders of nine Nigerian women by their male spouses. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 41/3.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. and Onyeozili, E. (2011). Nigerian women in deadly intimate partner violence in the United States. International Review of Modern Sociology, 37(2).
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2016). Attitudes and solutions toward intimate partner violence: Immigrant Nigerian women speak. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 17(1), 3-21.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2020). The inclusion of the term ‘color’ in any racial label is racist, is it not? Ethnicities, 20(1).
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2019). Race/ethnicity, citizen security and justice in Latin America and the Caribbean: The marginalization of race/ethnicity data. International Review of Modern Sociology, 45(2).
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2017). Is there no such thing as non-white racism? Comparative Sociology, 16(5).
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2008). Understanding drug use among blacks in England: A view from practitioners in the drugs field. Professional Issues in Criminal Justice, 3(3).
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2008). Negotiating drug treatment through the criminal justice system in England (United Kingdom): Implications for black problem drug users. Contemporary Issues in Criminology and the Social Sciences, 2(1).
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2007). Black problem drug users: drug treatment service provisions and delivery. Prison Service Journal, July 2007, 172.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2007). Policing black people in Britain. International Journal of Educational Research, 3(1).
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2006). The importance of qualitative research in understanding black disproportionate presence in UK crime figures. African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies, 2/2.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2005). How safe is Britain’s black community? Journal of Community Safety, 4(2).
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2005). Editorial, Special Issue, Journal of Community Safety, 4(2).
Kalunta-Crumpton, A., Guest Editor. (2005). Race, ethnicity and community safety, Special Issue, Journal of Community Safety, 4/2.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2004).A community without a drug problem? Black drug use in Britain. Social Justice, 31(1-2), 200-216.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2003). Race and problem drug use in an English city. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 47/8.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2003). Problematic drug use among ‘invisible ethnic minorities. Journal of Substance Use, 8/3, 170-175.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2002). Black and white violence: The articulation of popular and criminal justice discourses. The Justice Professional, 15/1, 37-55.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2001, book review essay). Race and injustice: A global phenomenon. International Criminal Justice Review, 11,104-119.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2000). Gender, race and criminal justice in the United Kingdom: A case of male sexuality in criminal justice discourse. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 24(1), 43-60.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2000). The criminalization of black deprivation. Social Justice, 27(1), 76-100.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2000). Race and violence in popular and courtroom discourse. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 4(2), 153-172.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (1998). The prosecution and defense of black defendants in drug trials: Evidence of claims-making. British Journal of Criminology, 38(4), 561-591.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (1998). Drug trafficking and criminal justice. International Journal of the Sociology of Law, 26, 321-338.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (1998). Claims-making and the prosecution of black defendants in drug trafficking trials: The influence of deprivation. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 3, 29-49.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (1996). The influence of race and unemployment upon prosecution of drug trafficking. Probation Journal, 43(4), 182-186.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A., Guest Editor (2024). Special Issue: What is hate crime: Contemporary perspectives from three continents. Safer Communities, (23), 3.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2024), Editorial: What is hate crime? Contemporary perspectives from four continents, Safer Communities, 23(3), 189-191.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2024), What exactly is a hate crime in the United States (US)? A review of hate crime in five US cities, Safer Communities, 23(3), 207-218.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2021). Is physical violence not the only form of intimate partner violence (IPV)? A review of perspectives of IPV among African women and men. In B. Agozino, E. Onyeozili & V. Saleh-Hanna (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Africana criminologies. London: Routledge.
Osisiogu, U.C., Osarenren, N. and Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2019). Trafficking of women: The Nigerian experience. In A. Kalunta-Crumpton (ed.), Violence against women of African descent: Global perspectives. Lanham, MD: Lexington/Rowman & Littlefield.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2019). Intimate partner violence in minority communities. In F. P. Bernat & K. Frailing (eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of women and crime. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2019). Patriarchy and female violence. In F. P. Bernat & K. Frailing (eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of women and crime. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
Matunhu, V., Matunhu, J. & Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2019). Obtrusive forms of violence against young women in Zimbabwe. In A. Kalunta-Crumpton (ed.), Violence against women of African descent: Global perspectives. Lanham, MD: Lexington/Rowman & Littlefield.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2019). Immigrant African women: A neglected minority in the fight against intimate partner violence in the United States. In A. Kalunta-Crumpton (ed.), Violence against women of African descent: Global perspectives. Lanham, MD: Lexington/Rowman & Littlefield.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2019). Introduction: violence against women of African descent as a global problem. In A. Kalunta-Crumpton (ed.), Violence against women of African descent: Global perspectives. Lanham, MD: Lexington/Rowman & Littlefield.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2015). Drugs and drug control in the United States. In A. Kalunta-Crumpton (ed.), Pan-African issues in drugs and drug control: An international perspective. Surrey, UK: Ashgate.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2015). Introduction to pan-African issues in drugs and drug control: An international perspective. In A. Kalunta-Crumpton (ed.), Pan-African issues in drugs and drug control: An international perspective. Surrey, UK: Ashgate.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2014). Immigrant African women and intimate partner violence: What we know and what we need to know. In E. Bellamy (ed.), Partner violence: Risk factors, therapeutic interventions and psychological impact. New York: Nova.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2012). Conclusion: comparative assessment of race, ethnicity, crime and criminal justice in the Americas. In A. Kalunta-Crumpton (ed.), Race, ethnicity, crime and criminal justice in the Americas. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. & Ejiogu, K. (2012). Race, ethnicity, crime and criminal justice in the United States, in A. Kalunta-Crumpton (ed.), Race, ethnicity, crime and criminal justice in the Americas. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2012). Introduction. In A. Kalunta-Crumpton (ed.), Race, ethnicity, crime and criminal justice in the Americas. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2010). In conclusion: Comparative assessment of race, crime and criminal justice in international perspectives. In A. Kalunta-Crumpton (ed.), Race, crime and criminal justice: International perspectives. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2010). Race relations, crime and justice in historical context. In A. Kalunta-Crumpton (ed.), Race, crime and criminal justice: International perspectives. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2010). Preface. In A. Kalunta-Crumpton (ed.), Race, crime and criminal justice: International perspectives. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2009). Patterns of community policing in Britain. In D. Wisler & I. Onwudiwe (eds.), Patterns of community policing: An international comparative perspective. New York: CRC Press.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2007). Changes in drugs policy and practice: Implications for the black community. In P. Shah (ed.), Law and ethnic plurality: Socio-legal perspectives. Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2005). Race, crime and youth justice. In T. Bateman and J. Pitts, (eds.), The RHP companion to youth justice. Dorset: Russell House Publishing.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2004). Criminology and orientalism. In A. Kalunta-Crumpton and B. Agozino (eds.), Pan-African issues in crime and justice. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2000). Black people and discrimination in criminal justice: The message from research. In A. Marlow and B. Loveday (eds.), After MacPherson. Dorset: Russell House Publishing.
Kalunta-Crumpton, A. (2022). Rehabilitation and the adult correctional population in Texas. In M. Vanstone and P. Priestley (eds.), The Palgrave handbook of rehabilitation in criminal justice. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan
Kalu, U. & Kalunta-Crumpton. (2023). Nigerian criminal justice system: An overview. In J. Mbuba (ed.), Comparative criminal justice. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.